A True Relationship is Two Imperfect People Refusi – Tymoff: What Does It Mean?

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Written By Sarah Jay

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There are probably as many take on the true relationship as the number of people living in this world. Everyone has something to say on this topic. Fortunately, most of those takes are boring banal rubbish and you don’t have to pay any heed to them. 

But once in a while, someone says something that provokes deep thoughts. 

‘A true relationship is two imperfect people refusi – Tymoff’ is one such thought-provoking take on romantic relationships. The full quote is, ‘A true relationship is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other.’ 

This article will explore the real meaning of this quote. What is a true relationship? What does perfection or imperfection have to do with it? What in this quote makes us read it twice, thrice and once again? Read on.

Who Uttered This Sentence?

This is a difficult one. No one seems to know. Some attribute it to Tymoff, some to a guy named Tim Moellering. There’s very scanty information on this guy and no one seems to be sure about his identity or in which context he said it.

Most people believe it is an anonymous quote that was first posted on Tymoff, a social media platform that devotes a major portion to romantic relationships. 

But we’re here to understand the deep meaning that this quote encapsulates, not to dissect its genealogy.

So for us, it’ll be ‘A true relationship is two imperfect people refusi – Tymoff’. Okay? Let’s go.

Nature of Romantic Relationship

Relationship is how two people or groups behave with one another. This behavior is dependent on how they regard each other. This gives us our first clue to demystify our quote

Since we’re discussing primarily romantic relationships, we’ll confine ourselves to two people and how their behaviour makes or breaks their relationship.

The Search for the Perfect 

The search for perfection is at the root of all evolutionary processes. Man always tries to be perfect and live in a perfect world among perfect people. This love for perfection is the driving force behind all human developments–technological, societal, aesthetical everything. 

It so happens that man’s quest for perfection always loses itself in the vortex of imperfection. But along the way it discovers or invents things that are imperfect but better than the previous ones. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll call it imperfection theory. 

Our quote, ‘A true relationship is two imperfect people refusi – Tymoff,’ is based on this idea of development. Only, here it is used to talk about the development of romantic relationships.

The Search for the Perfect Partner

What’s your idea of a perfect lover or a perfect relationship? This simple question has the potential to drive you crazy. Just try to answer it and you’ll see what I mean.

A perfect partner is as elusive as love itself. Here, we can apply our imperfection theory and see where it gets us.

Two Imperfect People in an Untrue Relationship

When two lovers come together, they usually find something physically and psychologically attractive in each other. So far so good. 

The problem begins when they are close and have been in a relationship for some time. Then their search for the perfect partner and perfect relationship gets frustrating because no one or no relationship is perfect in this world. 

Then come tiffs, altercations, cursing and name-calling, some rough stuff perhaps, and finally a bitter end to the relationship.

In our hurry to find perfection, we forget that imperfection is what makes life tick. A perfect relationship between two perfect lovers will mean the end of the game. Everything is perfect and there’s nothing to get excited about anymore. So, let’s snap our fingers and go our own way. 

Is this the kind of perfect relationship you’re looking for?

See, slowly the real meaning of ‘A true relationship is two imperfect people refusi – Tymoff‘ is emerging, isn’t it? Let’s go right ahead.

Besides, who defines perfection? Being an imperfect human being, how can you define perfection? Suppose your partner, by some uncanny means, becomes perfect: why the hell should she stay in a relationship with an imperfect guy like you? Ever thought about it? 

It’s time you did and I’m trying to help you.

Two Imperfect People in a True Relationship

Applying our imperfection theory, we can make some sense in this insane quest for the perfect partner.

According to our imperfection theory, the quest for perfection causes developments of all kinds, including the development of romantic relationships.

From this, you must understand a few facts of life–

  1. No one is perfect and so, no relationship can be perfect.
  2. No relationship should be perfect as it would mean the end of the relationship.
  3. So little imperfections are the spice of any relationship.
  4. You’re an imperfect human being and you shouldn’t look for perfection in your partner.

Got it? Now look at our quote closely. ‘A true relationship is two imperfect people refusi – Tymoff‘. Have you ever heard anything more sensible than this? Both you and your partner are imperfect and you are refusing to give up on each other based on your imperfections. And this adamant refusal to give up is keeping your relationship throbbing. 

Clear? Good. Now here is the tailpiece. Tailpieces, I mean. For your relationship to carry on fine, you must be aware of a few things. They are:

  • Empathize: Whenever you forget this quote and start yelling at your partner, just put yourself in her place. Exercise empathy. What would you do? Okay, she isn’t perfect, nor am I. So let’s forget it. I won’t give up. I love you, honey.
  • Respect: If you think your boss and the policeman are the only people you should be careful of, think again. There has been no lasting relationship where the partners respected each other, despite all their imperfections.
  • Communicate: Your partner, being fortunately imperfect, will make mistakes, and will do and say things that they shouldn’t. Again, empathize. And communicate. Words are powerful. A judicious use of them will set things right. Don’t give up.
  • Persevere: Your relationship is true, based on the truth of imperfection theory. Great. Still, times will come when you’ll want to get off the rails. Don’t. Persevere. Give it a little time. You’re also imperfect, remember? DO NOT GIVE UP.


So, you see, our quote ‘A true relationship is two imperfect people refusi – Tymeoff‘ makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?

You and your partner are imperfect human beings, like others around you. Try to find perfection in your partner, knowing you won’t find it. This attitude will lend a helping hand to your relationship. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with looking for perfection. This quest will make your relationship spicy and vibrant. 

Argue, get angry, get frustrated but at the end of the day, be empathetic, communicate, persevere and never give up. 

True lovers never give up and true relationships are much more powerful than small imperfections.


Q. What is a true relationship?

A true relationship is, to quote Tymoff, where two imperfect people refuse to give up on each other due to imperfections.

Q. What is needed to keep a relationship strong?

Empathy, respect for each other, perseverance etc are qualities in partners that keep their relationship strong.

Q. Do romantic relationships die after marriage?

Not, unless the partners involved are intolerant of imperfections in each other.

Q. How can a relationship be made long-lasting?

If the partners accept and empathize with each other’s imperfections, their relationship becomes strong and long-lasting.

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