Platonic Relationship – Exploring Different Types and Advantages

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Written By Sarah Jay

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When you find an intimate connection between two people, it is known as a platonic relationship. The sexual connection is absent in this relationship. For one another, they have a deep feeling of love. It has been identified as platonic love. The word ‘platonic’ has been used following the name of Plato, a philosopher. This philosopher lived in ancient times and expressed this love concept. In the article of, you will find important facts on platonic relationships

Theory of Plato 

According to Plato, platonic love is going to improve the bond among people. The relationship becomes divine. In modern times, we use platonic love to indicate intimate friendship with abstinence from sexual activities. A platonic relationship is good for same-sex and opposite-sex relationships. 

The Relationship between Romantic Vs Platonic Relationship

This is not the same as a romantic relationship. There is significant friendship between the two relationships. The level of friendship is far-reaching. You will find a connection of love. There might be a need to ask for physical proximity. It includes kissing, hugging or touching one another. It could be sexual activity with a different person. There might be a need for sex but the two people do not get involved in the activities.

Identifying Features of Platonic Relationship 

You will come across several features for differentiating these relationships. It is different from other forms of relationship. Other than the absence of sexual connection, these are the features of this relationship. They are described in the following way:

  • Intimacy:  In a relationship, two people can understand the proximity of one another and believe that they have some common features. 
  • Truth: The two people get a feeling that they will be able to share their thoughts and experiences with a new individual.
  • Acceptability: There is a convenience in the relationship. They admire each other at a personal level. 
  • Concept:  There is a link for those having a platonic relationship. On the other hand, they identify and show their reverence for one another. They never compel one another to accomplish something which is not required. 

Different Forms of Platonic Relationship 

We have come across various forms of relationships. They are as follows:

  • Bromance: It is a form of relationship for narrating a relationship that is free from sex between two males. 
  • Womance: This relationship is free from sex and it is emotional. This relationship is non-romantic. It happens between two females. 
  • Work Spouse: You can use this word to connect an intimate link which is non-sexual. It is found among co-workers and involves ties like marriage. 

Ultimate Procedure for Developing Platonic Relationship 

It is important to develop this relationship. It improves mental wellness. According to researchers, there is social assistance. It is a major responsibility to improve the state of mind. 

To develop a platonic relationship, these are the following steps:

  • You can participate in the community for social networking. An individual will be able to come across new people. 
  • You can enrol in different classes or workshops on subjects which are interesting. 
  • An individual can take part in the groups which are available online. 
  • You can take part in different causes at your own will. You can pay special attention to the group. 

What are The Advantages?

It could be discovered easily. You will develop a remarkable platonic relationship. This is vital for developing and improving the connection. To maintain a sound relation, they are as follows: 

  • Never compel the person to do most of the activity: Never depend on the person to create the plans or begin reaching them. You can invite those people to take part in the work. 
  • Contact us: You can send an email. The user is allowed to call or communicate with them constantly. It is important to plan them systematically. They can be asked about their life. 
  • Demonstrate: You can find a lot of assistance from other people. A person can get emotional assistance. The person needs to give back the support. It is important to be present whenever they need any help. 

A Peaceful Relationship 

There is a long-lasting relationship in platonic love. A person has the opportunity to stay close or move apart.  On the other hand, the bonding is not made on that path. A person can find their result in a breakup or marriage. There is no need to spoil energy in the direction of the relationship. 

Creative Ways to Explore The Relationship

Those who are facing problems in searching for the right friend can get creative means to find new friends. It is an individual who is interested in developing this relationship. They are as follows: 

  • Taking part in a club under an educational institution. 
  • You can join groups online. 
  • An individual can search for an online penpal. 
  • You can participate in an occasion for blind friendship
  • A person must take part in cultural events in the locality. 
  • They can work as a volunteer. 
  • They can enrol in a group for therapy. 


For those who need platonic love or platonic relationship into romantic or sexual relationships, a vital step is to remain open-minded. A vital step is to show honesty to the other person. You can show enthusiasm rather than giving pressure. There is a discussion on the true meaning of relationship. It will create a major impact on the friendship. This relationship offers a strong ground. On the other hand, there is a scope for showing honesty. 


What is the ending of a platonic relationship?

It is similar to the romantic breakups. It is difficult at the emotional level. It consists of experiences of sadness, grief and loss. The causes for the separation could be the modification in the situation of life, developing interests, and growth at the private level.

What are the ways of keeping the platonic relationship?

You can talk openly. It is important to maintain sincerity. You need to be an active listener at the time of conversation with your friends. It is important to appreciate the activity of friends. We need to admire their entity. It is important to know the nature of their development in life.

What is the importance of platonic attraction?

A person can enjoy good physical and mental health if they have a platonic relationship. It will drive away the stress from your life. This relationship will enhance the condition of your heart. It will support the immunity also.

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