The Case For Marrying An Older Man: A Story Of Grazi Sophia Christie

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Written By Sarah Jay

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A woman named Grazi Sophia Christie wrote this lengthy piece in the cut, an offshoot of New York Magazine. It has a benign headline — the case for Marrying An Older Man. A woman’s life is all work and little rest. An age-gap relationship can help. Alright, I don’t know I didn’t even click on this when I was like whatever. So, there is nothing controversial about marrying somebody in a little order until you read the piece. However, in this blog article of Luvtrise, let me give you and the audience a taste of her argument. 

Overview of Grazi Sophia Christie’s Argument

Grazi Sophia Christie believes you should marry someone older and you should do it in your 20s so that he can teach you everything you need to know. You can have a divine time while you’re young and you can see beautiful places that match your exterior, while it is still attractive because there is a balance in that. You need to get to the Caribbean ASAP before your 30th birthday by marrying a rich older dude because your pics are going to look better if you’re still pretty, Okay? 

The Reality of Christie’s Life

In the highlighted segment of The Case For Marrying An Older Man, you need to know some general information about G.S. Christie. When Christie was 20 and a junior at Harvard she got in there, a series of great ironies began to mock her. She could diligently find an ideal existence over years and sleepless nights in the industry or just marry it early. However, she thanks me for taking someone’s place at Harvard, Grotsy. The greater and more visible, the difference in years and status between a man and a woman. The more it strikes others as transnational, true but she has no problem in actually doing it the man is 27 now, she says and most women my age have partners.

The Case For Marrying An Older Man – Story Behind It

These days, girls become partners quite young. However, the problem with a partner is that if you’re equal in things, you compromise on all things, and men are too skilled at taking. Okay, Christie goes on, bear with an older man. Her older husband struck her as so finished, formed, and analyzable for compatibility. He bore the traces of other women who had improved him. Christie says that her husband isn’t her partner, he is her mentor and lover. And only in certain contexts, her friend. She’ll never forget how he showed me around their first place like he was introducing me to myself. 

The Benefits of Age-Gap Relationships

This is the one you’ll drink, where you’ll keep your clothes. We vacation here. This is the other language we’ll speak. You’ll learn it. And I did it. By opting out of the partnership in my 20s. I granted myself a kind of compartmentalized liberating selfishness. None of my friends have managed. I am a work in progress. The party we worry about. A surprising dominance. I don’t fool myself. My marriage has its cons. There are only so many times one can say thank you, which is part of our name.

Challenging Stereotypes

According to the bio for splendid scenes, fine dinners before that phrase start to great. Mostly, I worry that if he ever betrayed me I had to move on. I would survive but would find in my humor my preferences and the way I make coffee or the bed nothing that he didn’t teach, change, mould, recompose, or stamp with initials. There’s more but she’s not making the bed. The Case For Marrying An Older Man, she is not making the bed first of all. What is this? This, let me just tell you something in the next paragraph. 

Personal Growth and Development

I had a friend who dated an older man, who was very wealthy, and one of the things that drove me crazy about the relationship was. I said he keeps trying to make you into his Eliza Doolittle. You’re nobody’s Eliza Doolittle. You’re a fully formed strong independent woman and you don’t need him to show you the wine we’re going to drink. The language you’ll learn and you must. This is a Havard student Bridgette trying to express to us the liberation that comes with being completely submissive and I guess losing yourself to a man who’s had the luxury of forming his independent thoughts.

Emotional Dynamics in Age-Gap Relationships

Yeah! It’s funny, The Case For Marrying An Older Man. I was in a relationship like this, in a younger part of my life with an older man who was very wealthy and wanted me to learn French. We were in San Trope and I’d written a lot about this and she treated me like a pet or like a little entertainer. You know, he found me very very funny in my backpacking ways and my poverty, and there she’s really like the sugar daddy. I feel like this is why you’re not pitching anything new here. 

Critiques and Counterarguments

In beautiful places when I was young and beautiful asymmetry I recommended. If such a thing maternal energy exists. Mine was never depleted. I spent the last nearly 7 years supporting more than I support. And I am still not as old as my husband was when he met me. So, that’s the thing. Get out there as I said. Before the elderly age of 28. Make sure your beautiful selfies have the right background because when you’re ancient like the 3 of us on this screen it’s over.

Key Takeaways

The Case For Marrying An Older Man is like a tale as old as time. This is not something that is by any means. I think just her spin on it is a lot of self-delusion. Here’s the piece that I referenced MK. Yeah, very soon we will decide to have children and I haven’t panicked over the last gasps of fun. This is how this young generation looks at brotherhood. Uh! Because I took so many big breaths of it early. On the holidays of someone who had worked a decade longer than I had.

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